How to install Pale Moon Ubuntu 22.04

Pale Moon is a lightweight, customizable web browser based on the Goanna engine, designed to be efficient while supporting modern web standards. It is a good choice if you want an alternative to mainstream browsers like Firefox and Chrome.

Option 1: Using the Official PPA

  1. Add the PPA Repository Pale Moon provides an official PPA for Ubuntu. To add it:
    sudo add-apt-repository ppa:palemoon/ppa sudo apt update
  2. Install Pale Moon sudo apt install palemoon
  3. Launch Pale Moon You can start Pale Moon from the terminal: palemoon Or search for “Pale Moon” in your application menu.

Option 2: Using a Tarball (Manual Installation)

If you prefer not to use a PPA, you can manually install Pale Moon using the tarball from the official site:

  1. Download the Tarball Go to the official download page: Pale Moon Downloads
    Or use wget:

    wget (Replace 29.x.x with the latest version)
  2. Extract the Tarball: tar -xjf palemoon-*.tar.bz2
  3. Move the Pale Moon FolderMove it to /opt/ for system-wide installation:
    sudo mv palemoon /opt/palemoon
  4. Create a SymlinkTo run Pale Moon easily from the terminal:

    sudo ln -s /opt/palemoon/palemoon /usr/local/bin/palemoon
  5. Create a Desktop EntryTo make Pale Moon appear in your application menu, create a desktop entry file:

    sudo nano /usr/share/applications/palemoon.desktop
    Add the following content:

    makefile[Desktop Entry] Name=Pale Moon Comment=Web Browser Exec=/opt/palemoon/palemoon Icon=/opt/palemoon/browser/icons/mozicon128.png Terminal=false Type=Application Categories=Network;WebBrowser; Save and close (Ctrl + O, then Ctrl + X).

Option 3: Using snap or flatpak

Currently, Pale Moon is not available as a Snap or Flatpak package. The official PPA or manual installation is recommended.

Updating Pale Moon

  • If installed via PPA: Updates will be handled automatically with apt.
  • If installed manually: Download the latest tarball and repeat the extraction and move steps.

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